Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lady Godiva

At this moment, Julia is trying to ride Geoffrey (our English Mastiff) like a horse. Did I mention she isn't wearing pants? Julia hates pants and will take any chance she gets to take them off. On the bright least she is wearing her undies today. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother buying her new clothes, she clearly prefers to be naked.

On another note, Julia has been quite the little mommy today to Alison. She is a big fan of trying to stuff a binky into her mouth, putting head bands on her and a bunch of other unsafe things. She means well, she really does. I was trying to keep Alison awake (she is a big fan of bedtime at 5:30) by holding her in front of the fish tank (it's soothing to her). Julia, very firmly, asked me "Are you going to put Alison in the fish tank?" I love how my parenting is questioned by a 4 year old...who isn't wearing pants!

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Julia

You will never guess where I found Julia's underwear yesterday about mid the trash. But I bet you will really never guess why...

Once I found the said undies I asked her why she threw them away. Simple answer: she didn't like them. I guess it was why she didn't like them that I found a tad alarming.

So I ask,"Why don't you like your undies?"

To this I get:

"I like the softness of my pants."

That's right. The softness of her sweat pants...against her butt. Jay and I will definitely have our hands full when she is a teenager!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gramma's song Julia's way

I have oh so many dear memories of my Gramma. One of them happens to be of her singing to me. When I was little, I had a swing set in my backyard, and my Gramma would push me on the swing. While she would push me, she would sing, "One, Two Buckle my shoe..."

I sing the song with Julia every now and then, and it makes us both smile. Today she gave me her own rendition:

"One, two, buckle my butt hole..."

Excuse me, what?

Oh yeah, she said it. For some reason, she has a fascination with the word. Probably has something to do with the fact, that it is hysterical hearing that word come out of such a little mouth. Anyone that knows Julia well, knows she is a fan of the word and many renditions there of, including, but not limited to:

"That is butt hole-ish" and "butt holey".

She has been saying it since she was about 2. When she was about 22 months old, she stayed at my mom's (mimi) house for daycare while I worked. I got a call from my mom one day saying there was a problem. She told me Julia had lost her shoes. I told my mom, it was really no big deal. That's when she told me that wasn't really the problem. The problem was where Julia was insisting her shoes were...up her butt.

So I guess singing about butt holes was really only a matter of time. But the Gramma song? Come on!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where there's a will, there's a way...

I often forget that my little Julia is almost 4. She talks to me like such a big girl (well, most days) that I assume she knows what a lot of things mean. Yesterday, she was helping me pile all of my enormous maternity clothes into a plastic bin. I was separating the things I wanted to keep from the things I wanted to give to Good Will. Julia was having fun putting the clothes into the bin. So much fun, she opened daddy's draw and started to put his clothes in there, too. As she got back to separating my clothes, she made a third pile.
Curiously, I ask, "What are you doing?"
"These ones are for Bad Will."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

love is in the air....

Today started off as a rather typical Saturday except Alison, Julia and I all received beautiful roses from Daddy for Valentine's day. Julia was so excited. She loves to smell things (a bit odd, I know) so flowers are right up her alley! After smelling her lovely red roses, she asked to smell my yellow roses. Her thought after taking a deep breath in:

"Ahh....smells like love...."


Where she gets this stuff, I may never know!

This evening proved a bit more challenging. While putting Alison to sleep, Julia felt the need to interrupt about every 5 seconds. This included, opening the door and closing it so her room gets really bright and then super dark, whispering, dancing, and whatever else her little mind saw fit.

As I was about to lose my patience on the last interruption, she leaned forward to me while I was rocking Alison, and whispered, a very loud whisper, with a rather huge grin....."Happy Valentine's Day Mommy!"

Friday, February 13, 2009

need a rinse?

Julia came out of the bathroom this morning with a rather sad look on her face. She tells me she is sorry, but she has clogged the toilet. No problem I tell her, but feel the need to ask...
"did you flush a lot of toilet paper down the toilet?"
"yes mom, 32 pieces"

32 pieces? like she was counting while clogging the toilet....

Ok, so off to investigate. Indeed clogged, not as bad as I initially imagined. You have to remember, Julia is almost 4, we have had many a clogged the time she tried to make an elephant out of toilet paper and flushed and entire roll....

I flush the toilet to see if it will go down, no luck and the water is rising. While I wait for the water to go down, I turn around and switch my laundry. No big deal.

That is when Julia decided it would be a good idea to put all of that toilet water to good use. So what does she do you ask? SHE STICKS HER FOOT IN IT!! My reaction was a bit of a loud one...."WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Of course she was doing what only made sense in her funny little head..."I'm rinsing my foot."

Needless to say, a lot of antibacterial soap later, Julia had a clean foot.


Welcome to my wonderful world. One filled with two beautiful little girls...what could be better?

My girls have that wonderful ability to make me smile, to make me see the bright side of things and find laughter in situations I never imagined possible. Because of that, and my sister's belief that almost everything Julia does should be published in a best seller, I have created this blog.

So why the name you ask? "I love you" is Julia's favorite thing to tell me, all day, all the time. In fact she loves me so much, while I was showering yesterday morning (woohoo a morning shower!!) she came barging right into the bathroom when she woke up. Alison was already in there hanging out in her little seat, so the more the merrier, right? Julia comes right over to the shower and whips open the shower curtain. The rest went down like this...

"Julia close the curtain!!"

"But mom.....I love you."

"But I am NAKED!!"

To that I got a "oh...sorry" as if I was the one being unreasonable.

So welcome to my life. I hope my girls make you smile...