Friday, June 26, 2009

Kiddos and other randoms

I am happy to say, Alison is back to her usual self and sleeping though the night again. (I really hope I didn't just jinx myself!) I think her sleep has been disrupted for a few reasons, the first being that not only one but two teeth popped through last week! The second being that she is 7 months old now and her schedule is changing. She has started to eat baby food 3 times per day now instead of two and is staying up until 6:30 instead of 6. Whatever works, right? She is such a happy little bugger. We are very lucky to have such great girls!

That brings me to the big sister. Julia is technically 4, but I swear she does things that like, I don't know, 7 year olds do. She is no longer into Sponge Bob (wipe tear), and certainly not Dora or any "babyish" or dare I say "age appropriate" shows. Her favorite new show is "My life as a Teenage Robot" and "Danny Phantom." I'm sorry, what? Are you a 7 year old boy? But that's what she likes. She found these shows accidentally, because, get this, she channel surfs.

She has also discovered computer games on She is addicted. She wakes up in the morning, comes down stairs and opens my computer. She knows how to open Internet Explorer and start playing her games. She can also click on vidoes and watch the "wub girls" (from the Wubbzy show), they are her favorite to sing along with. She also knows if she gets "lost" by clicking too many things to "go home" and her gaming home page reappears. Its really funny, but I have to set some serious limits on it!

Speaking of being a big kid, she is now in a booster seat instead of her regular car seat. She gave my mom a good scare today when she unbuckled herself while they were pulling into the grocery store. I explained to her how dangerous it was and how I only want her to be safe. A few hours went by and she asked, "um, can we just talk about it?" (That's her favorite catch phrase when she wants to pry for more info.) Needless to say, I am keeping my fingers crossed that was the last time she unbuckles!

On the subject of catch phrases, here are some other good ones from Julia....

"What on this eart (earth) are you doing?"

"Can I have some of that invisible paper (saran wrap) to put on my food so it does not get rot-ten?"

"I think I need to do some yoga breathing."

"Can I have some Reiki?" (a favorite!)

"I know, I know I know!"

"Oh, I was just joking!" (about something she totally was joking about)

so until next time......

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dear Alison

Dear Alison,

This is a quick note to let you know it's really over rated to poop your pants at 4am and then not want to go back to sleep. If you could just hold off on any activity that needs my full, "awake" attention until after 6:30am, I would truly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

Your Mama

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kids in review

So the past few weeks have been rather busy. But then again, life with 2 kids is always busy! My little Alison is getting big. She is on to bigger and better things, like eating biscuits, crackers and melon. Great for her, rather frightening for me. But so far, no choking on my watch! She has also (finally) taught her self to roll over; from belly to back. She gets a big kick out of it. (That happened on Thursday, 10th). Her poor little tooth is almost poking through, one more day or so and she should "officially" have her first tooth!

As for my Julia.....

Julia loves being a big sister. She is so good to Alison. She spends a lot of her day hugging, kissing and entertaining her little sister. She is also a good helper for mommy. Last week Julia helped make cupcakes for Daddy's birthday cookout. She did a great job, and insisted she was a "better baker" and "better cupcake froster" than Auntie Krissy....who is a pastry chef, but I wasn't going to argue. Of course the day before she came down with a tummy bug, but she was too excited to stay home and be sick. Myself, on the other hand, between Julia and Alison, has cleaned up entirely too much throw up in the past week. Seriously.

Yesterday, Julia and I spent the morning at the doctor's office. Of course our usual doctor, who Julia adores, was not in. We saw my other favorite doctor, but of course the sight of him makes Julia cry. She needed to be seen for a bug bite she got on her eye. Her eye was really swollen from it. She made herself so upset at the office, yup, more throw up! Today is also her last soccer game (for which she is excited because she now "hates it.") Of course it is picture day, so Julia will be there with her swollen eye. Oh well!

Last night, Jay and I let Julia stay up late and we made a fire in his new fire pit. Julia was super excited because we made s'mores. What can I say, the girl has my appetite. I was pretty excited, too. We took a huge bamboo stick and loaded it up wtih marshmallows. Julia patiently sat with it over the fire slowly turning it until the marshmallows were ooey gooey and golden brown. I had the graham crackers and chocolate all ready, and once that sandwich was made, she couldn't get it in her mouth fast enough, but then again, neither could I.