Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My little muffin...

My little muffin, Miss Alison, went for her 4 month check up yesterday. Four months, already. Since everyone knows I make gigantic babies, the little bugger weighed in at 16 lbs 9oz (slightly smaller than Julia was at 4 months) and measured 26 inches long. She is in the 96% for weight and 95% for weight. Needless to say, she has outgrown just about every piece of clothing she owns!

Julia and I had dinner by ourselves tonight. Daddy was (and still is) sick in bed and Alison has been in bed since 6:15....

We decided breakfast would really make the best dinner. Pancakes for Julia and french toast for me. We were pretending to be chefs making our yummy dinner. I told Julia, "Wow this is just like a restaurant!" Her sarcastic response..

"Yeah, a restaurant with no people..."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

hope you don't mind but...

Yesterday, Julia spent a better half of the afternoon pretending to be our hair dresser, Kim. She had a spray bottle of water and a hair brush and did my hair, daddy's and auntie krissy's. Never would I have guessed, although I should have, what that could lead to!

This morning while squeezing in a morning shower, Julia poked her head in the shower curtain (yes, I gave up any sort of privacy when I became a mother) and told me " um, mom, I hope you don't mind, but I used your scissors."

hmmm....see where this is going? That's right. Julia gave herself a haircut.

"What did you do Julia?"

"My bangs were just crazy, so I cut them."

At least she didn't do that bad of a job or poke out her eyeball. Totally fixable.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Julia's randomness...

First off, I want to say, my day does involve Alison! Her day is filled with eating, pooping (hopefully not on me) belly laughs, and a fair amount of spit up. Good times really, just not too much to blog about. Julia on the other hand, comes out with the funniest things. I am a little scared for when Alison starts talking (and repeating) yikes!

Yesterday, for some reason I got a Hanna Andersen catalog in the mail. Julia loves to look through magazines and circle things she thinks mommy and daddy should buy for her. So circling away she went. She picked out some pretty dresses and frilly pajamas. Nice stuff. Then she circles a horse. That's right, a horse that one of the little girls was posing with. Hmmm. Mind you we do have a 200 pound dog, that Julia does try to ride around the house, though usually not successfully. Daddy brought this point to her attention, but she reminded him, Geoffrey is not a real horse, just a dog and she wanted a horse. Well, she told us huh?

Julia and I also practiced her soccer today. She is very excited to join a team this spring. While kicking the ball around, she declared, "Hey, I'm pretty good at this soccer stuff!" She was also trying to kick goals, through my legs. Guess what came out of her mouth after her first "goal"?


I don't even want to think about where she learned that one!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So right now my favorite time of day is 8:20pm...both girls asleep in bed and I can sit down and relax! Miss Alison went to bed at 6pm after filling up on cereal and bananas. Poor little muffin is teething (already) so it may prove to be a long night. We'll see how much "relaxing" I can actually accomplish...

Julia's bedtime is very routine. The only variable of the night is what excuse she might use to keep me in her room longer or call me back up for. Here is a short list....

* I need another kiss/hug
* I thought you might like a hand shake
* The song was sad and I need a hug (she listens to Jack Johnson to go to bed, the same cd night after night since she was 1!!)
* Can I wear your eyeglasses? (placing her face nose to nose with me) Well, then can I look through your windshield?
* Can Charlie sleep in my room? (our pug)
* While stroking my hair, how did you get so beautiful? Are you a princess?
* Are mommies really magical? Well, then how do you do so many things?

She has also been having really weird dreams lately. The other night she had a dream her teeth fell out and didn't grow back, and the night after that she had a dream daddy's eyeballs fell out. She ran into see daddy in the morning to make sure his eyes were still there!

I guess only tomorrow will tell what silly excuse or crazy dream she will have next...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Behavior rant

Yesterday afternoon, I was talking to my sister. She was telling me about her terrible train ride home from Boston. The train had a handful of 10-12 year old privately schooled boys on board. Ok, that thought right there scares me. A 10 year old alone on public transportation? Frightening to say the least. I mean I am afraid of school buses, but clearly that's another issue. My sister's point was, how rude these young boys were on the train; pushing, eating like pigs and throwing trash all over the floor and stuffing it behind the seats. A woman next to my sister spoke up and told the kids to pick up their mess, and only one apologized and did so; which leads me to believe that one boy was only acting that way because his friends were. It reminded me of how last week I was in BJ's (yay discount diapers!) and how some 12 year oldish boy literally ran my feet over with his carriage because he was running and pushing down the aisle. What is with kids these days? Don't they have parents to teach them manners? My mom would have never allowed any such behavior. And why should she? Who wants rude kids? This leads me back to my point about my sister...she is convinced we should open an etiquette school for children. I know my kids are by no means perfect, none are and that's what's so great about them. But come on! Don't parents take the time to actually...parent? But really, who am I to judge?

I took Julia to Ikea yesterday (she wanted candles for her bathroom, and yes she is 4) and of course while leaving she wanted an ice cream (it's at the checkout). I gave Julia her own dollar and she waited in line with me. She patiently waited her turn and when prompted by the cashier, she asked for, with a huge smile "One banilla ice cweam please!" Then she paid for her treat and said thank you for her receipt and her vanilla cone. Ah.....manners!

Anyone else have a good/bad behavior story?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Birthday

This week has been a busy one. It started off easy enough, but there is something about food shopping with two kids that is just exhausting. They were both really good in the store, I think it has to do with the lugging of one child while constantly trying to hold the hand of the other, while making sure you get everything on the list and not all the extra's Julia keeps trying to throw in the carriage. Then to put it all away, ugh. Seriously, hours later my kitchen was back in order. But we did manage to get all the yummy stuff Julia wanted to decorate her cupcakes with. Julia had about 10 friends over for her birthday, and they all decorated a cupcake. Not as messy as I imagined, but super fun. So, that brings me to Julia's birthday...

Her birthday was Saturday, so the night before after the munchkins were asleep (or so I thought) I went to ItzaParty and got 24 balloons for Julia. While she was asleep, I decorated her room with them. She was so excited when she woke up! I told her they were from the "birthday fairy." She used to visit me when I was little. After breakfast Jay and I gave her the presents from us. We got her some shark bite hot wheels toy she wanted along with walkie talkies and some other little fun things. Innocent enough right? Yeah, except for the fact that our awesome walkie talkies pick up the same frequency as the truck drivers on 495. The first thing we all heard when we turned them on were a few choice words...I think you get the point. Although, completely entertaining for me, not exactly what I want my 4 year old repeating!!

All in all Julia had a wonderful day. Alison was so excited for a party she refused to nap, but was surprisingly still happy to see people.